Submit your resume now and work as a library assistant
Annual salary ranges from Rs 151,884 to Rs 178,917. The most lucrative candidate is hired to provide a global performance agreement.
master’s certificate. Communication skills, both written and oral. Write a report. rese arch and design. Organize and control. Computer skills (Microsoft Office). Creative and analytical thinking. Repair. Good interpersonal relationships. customer oriented. Decision Making Skills. Ability to work under stress.
ALSO READ: PLACES to Collect SASSA Grants 2023
Manages the library and its resources in accordance with the Library Act and other applicable regulations. With the help of the Library Committee, he helps order library materials. Assist in the classification, cataloging and indexing of library materials. Update free publications. Responsible for the branch libraries behind the courthouse. :COCA-COLA: Platform Architect
Provision of mobility assistance and library support, including body structure. Make sure your publications are loosely bound. Standing orders are processed. When the books are sent to the judges rooms, take away the containers. Participation in the creation of library magazines.
Technical information: Mr. MI Jele, Tel.: (013) 758 0000
requests related to human resources
Mr MV Maeko Tel: (013) 758 null
Applications should be submitted in person to the Office of the Chief Justice, Human Resources Management, 188 14th Road, Noordwyk, Midrand, 1685 or to the Director: Human Resources, Office of the Chief Justice, Private Bag X10, Marshalltown, 2107.
State Service Center Free State: SASSA Grant Payment Dates For 2023
Address your request to: Chief Provincial, Office of the Chief Justice, Private Bag X20612, Bloemfontein, 9300, using the appropriate reference number. Requests may also be made inperson to the Free State High Court, Corner President Brand and Fontein Street. Bloomfontein, 9301.
Eastern Cape Branch of the Makhanda/ Mthatha High Court:
Please address your request with the appropriate reference number to: The Provincial Leader, Office of the Chief Justice, Postal Address: Private Bag x 13012, Cambridge 5206, East London. Applications can also be submitted in person to 59 Western Avenue, Sanlam Park Building, 2nd Floor, 5242 Vincent, East London.
Supreme Judicial Division Mpumalanga Middleburg/Mbombela:
Applications should be sent to: The Provincial Chief with the appropriate reference: Office of the Chief Justice, Private Bag X 20051, Mbombela 1211. Applications can also be made in person to: Mpumalanga Division of the High Court, Office of Provincial Supreme Justice Service Center, 311 Samora Machel Drive, Mbombela, 1200. :ALSO CHECK: SASSA grant: R350 extended until March 2024
Superior Court Gauteng Division: Johannesburg:
Address your request to: Head of Province, Chief Justice’s Office, Private Exchange X7, Johannesburg, 2000, quoting the appropriate reference number. Reports can also be made in person at Pritchard and Kruis Streets on the 12th floorin Johannesburg.
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