SALARY : R181 599 per annum (Level 05)
- Executive Support Ref No: NC07/01/2023
- Administration Management Ref No: NC08/01/2023
- Strategic Management: Planning Ref No: NC09/01/2023
To provide secretarial support functions to the Section Head. Arrange, prepare meetings, agendas, typing and taking Minutes. Answer and screen all incoming calls to the office of the Section Head. Liaise with other Sections and components on matters relating to the Section Head’s office. Maintain good Recordkeeping, filling and bring forward system. Handle Confidential documents. Process and submit claims, make travelling and accommodation arrangement. Manage the diary as well as receive and host visitors of the office. Operate standard equipment (fax, photocopy machine, telephone, Computer etc.). Serving refreshment to visitors and during Meetings. Manage office inventory.
ENQUIRIES : Lt Col JL Shandu/ Capt SJ Matlopela/ W/O TB Tshabalala/SPO KK Mashiloane at Tel No: (012) 397 7256/ 7240.
Applications may be hand-delivered, as follows: 152 Johannes Ramakhoase Street, Telkom Towers North, Pretoria. Application must be deposited into the box available at the reception area. Applications forwarded by post to be addressed at The Section Head: Corporate Support, (Attention: Lt Col JL Shandu/ Capt SJ Matlopela), Corporate Support, South African Police Service, Private Bag X 94, Pretoria, 0001
Only the official application form (available on the SAPS website www.saps.gov.za/careers and at SAPS Stations will be accepted. The Z83 previously utilized will no longer be accepted. All instructions on the application form must be adhered to. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the application. The post particulars and reference number of the post must be correctly specified on the application form. A comprehensive Curriculum Vitae must be submitted together with the application form. Shortlisted applicants will be required to produce original documentation. Qualifications and driver’s licences submitted will be subjected to verification checking with the relevant institutions.

The South African Police Service will verify the residential address of applicants and conduct reference checks. Appointments will be made in terms of the Public Service Act, 1994 (ACT NO 103 OF 1994) as applicable to the post environment. Applications must be mailed / submitted timeously. Late applications will not be accepted or considered. If a candidate is short-listed, it will be expected of him / her to undergo a personal interview as well as a practical assessment.
Short-listed candidates for appointment to certain identified posts, will be vetted in terms of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007) and the Children’s Act, 2005 (Act No 38 of 2005). A candidate, whose particulars appear in either the National Register for Sex Offenders or Part B of the Child Protection Register, will be disqualified from the process.
The Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act, Act 37 of 2013 requires that all new appointments in the South African Police Service as from 31 January 2015 provide a buccal (inside cheek) sample in order to determine their forensic DNA profile. The forensic DNA profile derived from the sample will be loaded to the Elimination Index of the National Forensic DNA Database.
All short-listed candidates will be subjected to fingerprint screening and reference checking. Persons who retired from the Public Service by taking a severance package, early retirement or for medical reasons are excluded.
Correspondence will be conducted with successful candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The South African Police Service is under no obligation to fill a post after the advertisement thereof. The South African Police Service is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and it is the intention to promote representivity in the Public Service through the filling of these posts. Persons whose transfer / appointment will promote representivity will therefore receive preference.
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