Department of Sport Arts and Culture is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer with clear
employment equity targets. Preference will be given to candidates whose appointment will assist the
department in achieving its Employment Equity targets at these specific levels in terms of the
Department’s Employment Equity Plan, all persons and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
For the posts of Frances Baard District please deliver at:
The District Manager: Frances Baard District: C/o Ms. N. Ntwasa
Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Mervyn J. Erlank Sport Precinct
Florianville Kimberley 8301
for the posts of ZF Mgcawu District please deliver
The District Manager: ZF Mcgawu District: C/o Mr. M. Links 33 Corner Le
Roux and Rivier Street Upington 8801.
For the posts of Pixley Ka Seme District
please deliver at:
The District Manager: Pixley Ka Seme District: C/o Ms. A. Malgas
Department of Sport, Arts and Culture 17 Schreiner Street De Aar 7000
for the
post of JTG District please deliver at:
The District Manager: JTG District: C/o Mr. K. Gaeganelwe Department of
Sport, Arts and Culture MS. Kitchen Library 49 Skool Street Kuruman 8460
the posts of Head Office please deliver at:
The Head of Department: C/o the Director HRM Department of Sport, Arts
and Culture Mervin. J. Erlank Sports Complex 10 Recreation Road Florianville
Kimberley 8301
For the posts of Head Office please deliver at: The Head of Department
C/o The Director HRM Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Mervin. J. Erlank
Sports Complex Private Bag X5004 Kimberley
Note: email applications will be accepted. Applications must be sent as one
attachment to avoid non-delivery of the email and only quote the name of the
post you applying for on the Subject Line. Applications must be emailed to the
following email address:
CLOSING DATE : 17 September 2022
NOTE : Applications must be accompanied by new Z83 form, obtainable from any
Public Service Department, (or obtainable at www.gov.za) and a recent
updated comprehensive CV (previous experience must be comprehensively
detailed, i.e. positions held and dates), as well as copies of all qualifications,
ID document and license (these copies need not be certified), only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day
of the interviews following communication from the department. (Separate
application for every vacancy).
Applicants are requested to complete the Z83 form properly and in full. No applications will be accepted by staff in the offices in the buildings.
Applications received after the closing date and those that do not comply with these instructions will not be considered.
The onus is on the applicants to ensure that their applications are posted, emailed or hand delivered timeously. Failure to submit the requested documents/information will result in your application not being considered.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The Department reserves the right not to fill the post.
All shortlisted candidates (for all SMS and MMS posts) will be subjected to undertake a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job; the logistics will be communicated to candidates prior to the interviews.
Recommended candidates will also be required to attend a generic managerial competency assessment after the interviews also take a note that National School of Governance (NGS) has introduced compulsory SMS pre-entry certificate with effect from 01 April 2020
The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.
The successful candidate must disclose to the HOD particulars of all registrable
financial interests, sign a performance agreement and employment contract
with the Director-General within three months from the date of assumption of
The successful candidate must be willing to sign an oath of secrecy with
the Department. Applicants will be expected to be available for selection
interviews and assessments at a time, date and place as determined by the
An offer letter will only be issued to the successful candidate once
the following has been verified educational qualifications, previous experience,
citizenship, reference checks and security vetting.
Further Note: Correspondence will only be entered into with short-listed candidates.
Applicants are respectfully informed that if no notification of appointment is
received within 4 months of the closing date, they must accept that their
application was unsuccessful.
>>Dis-chem: Store Cleaner vacancy.
>>Metro Police and Traffic Learnership.
>>CLEANER NEEDED-REQUIREMENTS : Grade 10/Abet or higher.
(Community Libraries)
SALARY R145 281 per annum (Level 04)
CENTRE Frances Baard District
Greenpoint Community Lib. (Kimberley) Ref No: DSAC/2021/01 (X1 Post)
Tshwarelela Primary School (Galeshewe) Ref No: DSAC/2021/02 (X1 Post)
Tlapeng (Pampierstad) Ref No: DSAC/2021/03 (X1 Post)
Magogong (Hartswater) Ref No: DSAC/2021/04 (X1 Post)
Pescod Library (Kimberley) Ref No: DSAC/2021/05 (X1 Post)
Proefplaas (Jan Kempdorp) Ref No: DSAC/2021/06 (X1 Post)
Robert Sobukwe (Galeshewe) Ref No: DSAC/2021/07 (X1 Post)
Zf Mgcawu District
Augrabies Ref No: DSAC/2021/10 (X1 Post)
Aunt Dolletjies Library Ref No: DSAC/2021/11
Sandile Present Ref No: DSAC/2021/11
PKS District Office Ref No: DSAC/2021/13 (X2 Posts)
Breipal Ref No: DSAC/2021/14 (X1 Post)
Olierivier Ref No: DSAC/2021/15 (X1 Post)
Schmidtsdrift Ref No: DSAC/2021/16 (X1 Post)
Ikageng Ref No: DSAC/2021/17 (X1 Post)
Jtg District
Bendell Community LibraryRef No: DSAC/2021/18 (X1 Post)
Grade 12 or equivalent qualification or related library qualification Computer
literacy (MS Office programmes) Must be willing to work long hours or late in
the evenings Competencies: Verbal and written communication skills Working
knowledge of library methods and procedures Ability to operate library
machines and systems Organizational planning and report writing skills.
Perform circulation desk procedures Receipt of delivered consignments
Shelves library materials and reads shelves Sorts and routes mail Assist with
library programs and displays Assist with information searches to the patrons
Opening and closing of the library Lend, collect books and issue fines for late
returns Performs other related work as required Do organizing and filing.
Frances Baard: Mr. D. Lesetedi on Tel No: 082 610 0363
ZF Mgcawu: Mr. M. Smith on Tel No: 082 653 2076
SALARY : R145 281 per annum (Level 04)
CENTRE : FB District Office (Kimberley) Ref No: DSAC/2021/08 (X2 Posts)
Head Office (Kimberley) Ref No: DSAC/2021/09 (X1 Post)
Grade 12 or equivalent qualification or related library qualification Computer
literacy (MS Office programmes) Must be willing to work long hours or late in
the evenings Competencies: Verbal and written communication skills Working
knowledge of library methods and procedures Ability to operate library
machines and systems Organizational planning and report writing skills
Processing of library materials, withdrawals (weeding), repair of books, and/or
reconditions library materials Organizing and filing Completion of statistical
reports for the District Performs other related work as required.
Frances Baard/Head Office: Mr. D. Lesetedi on Tel No: 082 610 0363
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