CCL Global- Matriculants/Graduates/School leavers career opportunity



Job Type: Permanent (Full Time)


Matriculants/Graduates/School leavers career opportunity

Fact: 500 000 + Matriculants will NOT get jobs in 2021 , 

Fact: discrimination against young people is on a new high in South Africa 

And if you are lucky to find employment, then another fact is , it will only be a J.O.B , which means: 

– Just

O – Over 

B – Broke

Every month you will work very hard for 30 days ,only to be able to pay for your bills. But for the rest of the month you will be broke, in other words your income will be in control of your life, is this what you want ?

Do you want to end your year , and also start your new year(2021) off with a great career opportunity ?

CCL GLOBAL is established for 19 years , who invest in young people and offer a clear career path and growth within our company. 

About you :

•You will need to be competitive

•Self motivated

•Good communication skills

• Fully bilingual (especially afrikaans)

•Own car essential

We offer:

  • Initial earnings – R12000 pm
  • Company benefits
  • Room for growth into Management 
  • Professional results  and driven environment 
  • Ongoing support and development 
  • Family orientated environment

Email your CV to HR Manager at

(Ps – no chancers)

Matrikulante / Gegradueerdes / Skoolverlaters werksgeleentheid

Feit; 500 000+ matrikulante sal NIE in 2021 werk kry nie,

Feit; diskriminasie van jongmense is op ‘n nuwe hoogtepunt in Suid-Afrika.

En as jy gelukkig is om werk te kry, dan is ‘n ander feit dat dit slegs ‘n J.O.B sal wees, wat beteken:

  J – Just

  O – Over

  B – Broke

Elke maand sal jy 30 dae lank hard werk, net om jou rekeninge te kan betaal. Maar vir die res van die maand sal jy “broke” wees, met ander woorde jou inkomste sal jou lewe beheer, is dit wat jy wil hê?

Wil jy jou jaar afsluit en ook jou nuwe jaar (2021) met ‘n wonderlike loopbaangeleentheid begin?

CCL GLOBAL reeds gestig vir 19 jaar en belê in jongmense en bied ‘n duidelike loopbaan en groei binne ons onderneming.

Vereistes benodig:

  • Jy sal mededingend moet wees
  • Self gemotiveerd
  • Goeie kommunikasie vaardighede
  • Volledig tweetalig (veral Afrikaans)
  • Eie motor noodsaaklik

Ons bied:

  • Aanvanklike verdienste – R12000 pm
  • Maatskappy voordele
  • Geleenthede om jou op te werk tot in n Bestuurs pos
  •  Professioneel en resultaat  gedrewe omgewing
  • Konstante opleiding en ontwikkeling Familie tipe atmosfeer

 Stuur CV per e-pos aan die HR-bestuurder by

 (Ps – geen kansvatters nie)


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